Holy Crap It’s Real

In my previous posts I told the story of how, after starting to follow along with online Qigong exercises, I began feeling sensations of magnets, heat, and tingling in my hands and a relief of my symptoms.

Standing in this funky posture in the middle of my kitchen after about my second or third Qigong session I thought to myself, “Holy crap, it’s actually real!”

This experience intriqued me. I had just spent over a year researching the living daylights out of Sibo and Adrenal Fatigue and every possible supplement, medicine, and remedy of both. I relied a great deal on research studies in an attempt to find solutions to my problems. But the concept of “Qi”, an energy life force that runs through the body upon which both Acupuncture and Qigong are based, is not considered a solid, scientifically proven concept.

Although there have been a couple of bigger research studies done on Qi, both of which have proven that Acupuncture is effective in a couple of areas. That does not mean Acupuncture is only effective in a couple of areas, it means we’ve only done research on its effectiveness in a couple of areas.

As a side note, why do I have to remind us of this? As Westerners, why is it we only believe something once science has proven it? One study has shown Acupuncture to be effective for people with Osteoarthritis. Does this mean that we aren’t going to believe it’s effective for anything else until we’ve tested it on that everything else?

As another side note, I’d like to mention that acupuncture is being used an alternative option to anesthesia for people undergoing surgery, even open heart surgery as is shown in the BBC documentary below. Yes, the patient is laying awake on the table while her chest is cut open and a hole in her heart is sewn up, and in place of an anesthesiologist is an acupuncturist. She doesn’t feel any pain.

Watch open heart surgery happening with just acupuncture for pain control! It’s nuts!

I’m not sure how the thousands of people in China who undergo this style of surgery with great success isn’t proof enough.

Why is it that it isn’t? Why is it that instead we need to round up thousands upon thousands of dollars to perform “real scientific studies” before we will even believe this???

Anyway, I digress.

I was so intrigued by the energy I felt in my hands, that I started looking into what it was, and if you could heal with it. I eventually came across an energy healing class, and I signed up. For a number of weekends my mind was again barraged with thoughts of “holy crap, it’s really real!!!” as over and over again I could most definitely feel, with my eyes closed, the energy of other people’s hands over my body, despite the fact that they were not touching me. Different people even felt differently… one man’s energy felt really static-like, while another woman in the class felt very magnetic or heavy.

I’m serious, it’s frickin’ real!!!

You don’t have to believe me… Einstein said it first.

Since experiencing this, however, I do notice that not everyone feels the energy as intensely as I do. My husband, for example, doesn’t feel it easily at all. When I first came home from my energy workshop I was so excited to try it out on him. But as I stood there with my hands over his right shoulder, feeling a ton of crazy sensations between his body and my hands, I was vastly disappointed to hear him say that he didn’t feel anything. On the other hand, I’ve had friends who felt it so dramatically they thought I was touching them.

Interestingly enough I’ve taught my husband how to run energy himself (I needed someone to heal me). And now, although it is not that intense for him, he can actually tell me where my hands are during a session with his eyes closed.

I also notice that the more I do Qigong and meditation, the more strongly I feel it.

So what does this mean for us?

Here’s what I would love for it to mean: we do not need western medicine for chronic health problems.

Our medical practices for chronic conditions are a complete sham. Sure some people do feel better and get good treatment. Sometimes medical treatments work. But there are a vast number of people who, like myself, aren’t helped by western medicine. There are many people who are made sicker as they are strung along a chain of drug after drug that address only symptoms and never root causes.

We need a revolution. We need to take back our power. We need to realize that the body knows how to heal, that we can heal ourselves. That we don’t need rich doctors and rich hospitals profiting off our illnesses, and we definitely don’t need pharmaceutical companies that shelve real cures to continue profiting off of “treatments” that leave us with massive side effects. I don’t want to paint the picture in total black and white, as I know there are massive amounts of gray areas; good doctors who care, drugs that do actually work, and medical communities that want to do good. But I don’t think that we’ll be able to sort through the good and the bad, what’s working and what’s not, without a major revolution.

What if, and I’m not saying this is true, just “what if”, Qi and energy healing have been known all along but have been suppressed, and deemed “crazy” by our medical world on purpose because if we knew how to heal ourselves “they” wouldn’t be able to sell us drugs? A radical idea maybe, but who knows? At this point, after everything I’ve been through, I think anything is possible.

So I beg you, for your health and the health of our communities, and because you never know when it might be you or a loved one who gets sick, (our entire world is so full of poison) try it for yourself. Hone your own Qi, learn Qigong, learn how to run energy. Qigong is so good for you even if you don’t believe in Qi… it moves and opens up your joints and stretches your muscles. But it also connects you to the life force energy of both the earth and the universe, and it just might surprise you by showing up as real sensations. If it’s something you are even remotely interested in, I highly recommend it.



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